
From February, 12 2017 to April, 17 2017

Palazzo Mediceo Seravezza

"The Gift" by Giorgia Fiorio





Seravezza Photography in its fourteenth edition devotes the main exhibition at the photographer Giorgia Fiorio in Palazzo Mediceo, Unesco World Heritage Site.
The photographic exhibition of Giorgia Fiorio, proposed by "Fondazione di Venezia" and curated by Denis Curti , "The Gift" develops the theme of the relationship between the individual and the Sacred, the pictures, all done in black and white film and printed by the author in medium format negative, were taken between 2000 and 2009 through thirty eight missions in thirty different countries, across five continents. The exposure draft and the book was conceived and curated by Giorgia Fiorio in collaboration with Gariel Bauret and received in 2009 the patronage of 'UNESCO."


"What force moves migrations of multitudes through the highest mountains and the endless vastness of the desert? What they have in common those who raise their hands to heaven and those who beat her forehead to the ground? Why do some naked and others covered up the eyes , others shaved, as polished as almonds, or rather with long hair enveloped the immense beards in turbans? Who inhabits the bodies of slain flagellants, who covered the limbs of ash, who's under the skin tattooed or painted in intricate designs, who behind the masks, those inside the veil? The ecstasy, trance, contemplation, meditation, leading to an unpronounceable perception of death, or the core of physical reality?
Through direct experience, without encyclopedic intentions, for nine years I have followed the path of a photographic project, around a personal quest: "The Gift." The most remote origins of Believing in the early sacred texts, as in the primitive pagan oral tradition, it reveals a dense network of correspondences: rituals, gestures always repeated, resonances of the same thrill before the mystery of existence. Suspended on Universal Time space, a labyrinth of intersecting paths in search of unison between the individual's outward identity and the deep self.
The history of Belief, in parallel to that of language, traces the path of mankind. The language and writing tell the social, related to knowledge, exchange and comparison between humans; Beliefs mark the origins the interior history, immersed in the cultural fabric of each individual, and in a very personal perception of the unknown: the Mystery, the Sacred, the occult, the ancestral past, the intangible future, the cycles of Nature, the Elements , the idea of ​​time, the dimension of Space and finally the whole meaning of existence, in all its complexity.
Footprints of different paths converge up to overlap the footprint of the word gift. Through multiple semantic variables, gift is one of the oldest words in the language. In its transitive quality mainly embodies two senses: to offer / give and receive, even take. But the question has always been: "what" give / receive. The finiteness of physical existence seems to become entangled around the evidence of the Mystery. The receipt human life as grace and offered as a tribute, sacrifice, consecration ... These two "premieres" give rise to different forms of interpretation from one civilization along the trail of time: at the bottom of all the questions, inescapable, body measurement of the human condition marks every ritual. To be encoded in the gesture, regulate, suppress, mortifying, purify, honor, adorn, denude, own, freeing the body - specifically the "flesh", as the matter and at the same time the "figure", which representation and individual paradigm - it is the "bearer" paradox of the spiritual dimension. The messenger between life and death. Perhaps indeed, if the soul is shadow, the body is shadow of the shadow.
The gift is life, and as inseparable from it, even death. Hope promise of another life beyond life and even more lives than his own, concluded the circle of life received-grace that begets life. Then immediately he surrenders. "
Giorgia Fiorio
The Gift. 2000 - 2009


Giorgia Fiorio – (Torino 1967)

Independent Artist-photographer. Founder and artistic director from 2002 to 2013 of Reflexions Masterclass international seminar of contemporary photography.
Giorgia Fiorio books have been published in France by Editions Actes Sud; Italy by Marsilio Editore; Mudstones Associates; Contrast editions; Motta Editore; Germany from Braus Edition; Greece Photo by Apeiron; USA by Aperture. Her works have been published in 15 countries worldwide magazines. The works of Giorgia Fiorio have been exhibited among others in ParisPhoto, Carrousel du Louvre and Grand Palais Paris, France; Triennale of Milan, Italy; C / O Berlin, Germany; National Graphics Institute, Rome, Italy; Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France; Rencontres d'Arles, France; Polytechnic Institute of Tokyo, Japan; Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, Italy; Museum of Contemporary Art Castello di Rivoli, Italy; Venice Biennale 2012 and 2015: Pavilion Italy and Fortuny Museum.

Giorgia Fiorio performs a search path around the human figure articulated through last twenty five years fifty-six countries around the world. From 1990 to 1999 - the Men project develops an investigation of documentary character around gated communities, men in Western society.

  From 2000 to 2009 the project The Gift queries the "relationship between the individual and the Sacred" in the oldest rituals of humanity. In 2009, the book and the exhibition of Giorgia Fiorio The Gift receive UNESCO patronage.

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