Requirements for this course are a basic familiarity with the internet and willingness to take on the challenge.
This two week-long workshop will be in a hands-on format. Each lesson will include a review of theory followed by practical session to enforce the concepts.
Each student will receive an assignment at the end of the first weekend and will be encouraged to share his/her progress during the last lesson of the workshop.
Lesson 1 - Saturday 10.00-17.00
* Features of a good online portfolio
* Tools to create an easy to use online portfolio
* Introduction to Wordpress
Lesson 2 - Sunday 10.00-16.00
* Themes for photography portfolios
* Customization of a theme
* Benchmarking and inspiration research
* Creation of students’ online portfolio
Lesson 3 - Saturday 10.00-17.00
* Importance of photographic blog
* Editorial plan for the photographic blog
* Creation of students’ online portfolios
Lesson 4 - Sunday 10.00-16.00
* Introduction to Google Analytics
* Introduction to Google Adwords
* Importance of the social networks for photographers
* Digital communication strategy
* Presentation of students’ projects
INFO: the course has a minimum enrollment of 10 students.
Saturday March 28, 2015 - 10.00 -17.00 and Sunday March 29, 2015 - 10.00 -16.00 + Saturday April 11, 2015 - 10.00-17.00 and Sunday April 12, 2015 - 10.00-16.00 | Sala Cope - Querceta - Lucca
COURSE REGISTRATION: download the registration form and send to segreteria@seravezzafotografia.it
FOR MORE INFORMATION: workshop.marotta@gmail.com