by Marian Vanzetto
The Course is directed to teenagers from 14 to 18 years old, who are not familiar with the language and skills of photography.
After an introduction (both theoretical and practical) aimed to get the students acquainted with the photographic language - we will explore the Self-Portrait subject, studying the psychological characteristics implied by self-representation. We will analyze the works of several relevant photographers that work with this matter in an artistic way.
We will plan self-portrait sessions, reflecting upon the need that people have to self-representate, and upon the various methods that we can use. The course is organized in outdoor lessons, followed by indoor lessons where we will analyze the results.
The suggested photo-equipment consists of digital or analog reflex camera.
- The properties of digital/analog reflex camera; photo-equipment: the body of a digital/analog reflex camera; electronic image sensor; the shutter; different focal lens: normal lens; wide angle lens; long-focus lens; zoom lens; close-up (macro) lens.
- Photography styling: observing the reality; choosing subject and point of view; organizing the image in frame; composing; identifying the focus of interest; collimating different layers; the line of the horizon; the relationships between “close-up” and “faraway”and between subject and background; focusing: out-of-focus, clear, blurred, “frozen”.
- Visualization of photographic image: adjusting aperture and time; light and exposure; the ISO, the “grain”/ the resolution.
- The Self-Portrait by main photographers.
- Training experience with outdoor and indoor lessons, followed by discussions and group comparisons.
The 8 weekly classes (each 2 hours) are scheduled as follows: every Saturday from March 14 to May 23, 2015 (April 4 and May 2 excluded). Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Casa Dei Giovani - Querceta, Seravezza, Lucca.
Minimum number of participants is 6, maximum 12.
The classes language is Italian.