
From March, 6 2015 to March, 15 2015

Scuderie Granducali Seravezza

"Una storia di donne"

mostra collettiva del circolo fotografico L'Altissimo


Art Exhibit focuses on gender-based violence through photographs featuring women and their stories.

According to the UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women: «The term "violence againstwomen" means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life» it's clear the importance and the necessity of keeping it alive conceptually to understand the origins, causes and repercussions in the public and private spheres. Often the freedom to talk about gender violence, and also to denounce it, collide with a widespread social and cultural myopia that justifies, even today, certain behaviors, underlying the gender dynamics, in terms of exercise of power and possession. In this particular case showing the reality of violence through photographs of individual women means to bring the concept “gender violence” to life disclosing all its dramatic and profound truth. Photos of violence, and its effects on woman's bodies, give form to this brutality, that scares, but also bring out the women from this reality restoring their human condition, their dignity and beauty.
The photographic image is once again the ideal vehicle to awake the "initial spark”, described by the newyorker photographer Susan Sontag, capable of engage and come up the spectator, creating an empathic link with what is seen, animating feelings towards the photographed reality, “photographs lay down routes of reference, and serve as totems of causes: sentiment is more likely to crystallize around a photograph”.

The Photography Club l' Altissimo BFI is a cultural association and it has been active for over twenty years in the field of amateur photography. The club is registered to FIAF, Italian Federation of Photographic Associations and it is the proud holder of the prestigious recognition called BFI, Meritorious of Italian Photography. The association coordinates a wide range of activities: partecipation in competitions, exhibitions and photographic events, publication of members' pictures on some highly regarded photography websites, courses for young people who want to approach the world of photography.
Replica uhren aus einer Hand. Es gibt Uhren verschiedener Marken, im gleichen Stil wie der Stern, der Preis ist günstig und die Qualität ist gut.

SCUDERIE GRANDUCALI | March 6-15, 2015 | Time: Wendsday and Saturday: 15.00 pm - 19.00 pm - Sunday and Holiday: 10.00 am - 19.00 pm

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