
From June, 8 2013 to June, 9 2013

Scuderie Granducali Seravezza

Photo Portfolio Reading

by Carlo Ciappi e Marcello Ricci (FIAF)

2nd National Competition dedicated to Photographic Portfolio, "Prize Terremedicee".

The Portfolio is a collection of images, forming one complete body of work, arranged in a sequence following set criteria.

This complex art form, based on photography, perhaps represents the most extensive expression of the language of “photography” and can have as its object a variety of different themes which are in relation to the main “big ideas” from the world of art: documentary, thematic or artistic narration, creativity and conceptualism.

This allows great freedom in the arrangement of the sequence of photos (the structure of which may have considerable influence on the success of the entire “portfolio”). It is an artistic freedom, however, which finds a natural boundary since the photographer should conceive his own work around a single “narrative nucleus”

Through this expressive form, which is becoming more widespread in its various aspects, it is possible to put across a deeper message, on a more sophisticated level and convey so much more  than a single image generally can convey by itself.


Fondazione Terre Medicee within "Seravezza Fotografia-Terrre Medicee" 2013, organizes the 2nd National Competition dedicated to Photographic Portfolio, "Prize Terremedicee" regulated as follows:
Art. 1 - The reading of the portfolio will be held in Seravezza (Lu), at the Scuderie Granducali on Saturday, 8 June from 9:00 to 12:30 and 14:30 to 18:00 hours in 2013 and Sunday, 9 June, 2013 on time 9:00 to 12:00, with prizes at 13:00.
Art. 2 - Open to all amateur photographers who submit membership in good time. Registration can be done by sending to the attention of the Secretariat Fiammetta Galleni
Organizational Seravezza Fotografia, by e-mail or by fax or mail, a copy of the participation form downloaded from the Web site of the Organization or, in  case of impossibility, in writing at the time of the arrival of the author. Membership is free.
Address: Secretariat Seravezza Fotografia, Via L. Amadei (formerly Via del Palazzo), 358 -55047 Seravezza (Lu).
Art. 3 - Each participant may submit up to two works: the number, size, and image support will be  free choice of the author who, for all intents and purposes, is solely responsible for the content of the their work. All the techniques of shooting and all printing processes (on any media type) with the exception of the presentation slides and digital files will be accepted.
Art. 4 - The portfolio cannot be shipped but presented to the expert at the time of the meeting is set and the author must be present at the reading of his work.
Art. 5 - The author can submit their portfolio to all readers present. The meetings will be of maximum 20 minutes each and will be open to the public. Consistent with the general requirements, Organization is committed to take into account any preferences expressed by the authors on the times of reading. Participants will be directed at readers in order of arrival and according to established schedules. A copy of the entry form must be submitted (or compiled) to the Competition Secretary on the day of readings, before the beginning of the same.
Art. 6 - Experts readers are: Carlo Ciappi and Marcello Ricci (DD Fiaf Faculty - Department of Education).
Art. 7 - The portfolio, after reading, must be submitted to the Competition Secretary to participate in the final selection will be held by all experts, at the end of the readings. This work will be collected at the end of the event or sent by post at the expense of the recipient.
Art. 8 - The prizes will be 3 in order:  1st, 2nd and 3rd.
The author who receives the 1st prize will be offered the opportunity to present its own work on the occasion of the exhibition "Seravezza Fotografia 2014"  as well as the publication of the portfolio presented on the website of "Seravezza Photography" along with a brief review.
In the event that the winner of the 1st prize has already exposed during Seravezza Fotografia on previous editions, it will be given only the opportunity to publish the work presented, together with a brief review on the same Web site. In this case there will be a another winner ex equo, who will have the possibility to expose during "Seravezza Fotografia 2014" as well as publish on Web site.
The winners of the 2nd and 3rd prize will benefit from the publication of the portfolio presented on the website mentioned above, with a brief review.
Art. 9 - The authors of the portfolio will leave in electronic format (jpg or tiff) two images of own choice of the portfolio presented, on which the author's copyright must be displayed and the "file info" will be highlighted traceability of the author (at least name and email address). The images will be part of the photographic library Organization, and with the delivery is authorized the reproduction and use in any publication in print or the Internet, non-profit, any public display by the Foundation, preserving at the same time, all rights to the images donated.
Saturday 8 June | 9.00-12.30 and 14.30-18.00 and Sunday 9 June 2013 | 9.00-12.00 - PRIZES at 13.00 - SCUDERIE GRANDUCALI - SERAVEZZA
download the application form
download the regulation


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